Democracy promotes economic development (Naidu et al. 2014, Acemoglu et al. 2019). However, a rising internal threat is spreading across democracies worldwide: populism (Tabellini 2019, Guriev and Papaioannou 2022). One way to conceptualise populism is as a ‘thin-centered’ ideology that views society as fundamentally divided into two homogeneous, opposing groups: ‘the people’ against ‘the elite’. […]
The extent to which geographic distance is a barrier to technological knowledge transfer is of interest to governments of countries distant from centres of knowledge creation or technology production; to entrepreneurs deciding where to locate a new firm that will need to remain abreast of technological developments; and to national or local policymakers seeking to […]
One of the classic insights from international economics is that there are winners and losers from trade. Recent research has pointed towards geography as a dimension along which the distributional consequences of international trade can occur (Topalova 2010, Autor et al. 2013, Dix Carneiro and Kovak 2018). We provide new theory and evidence on these […]