In today’s rapidly evolving world, robust pension systems and social insurance programs are vital for ensuring economic stability, financial inclusion, and the well-being of citizens, particularly in the face of aging populations. Understanding the multifaceted benefits of these systems, as well as the challenges in implementing sustainable pension systems, is crucial for informed policymaking. The […]
Democracy promotes economic development (Naidu et al. 2014, Acemoglu et al. 2019). However, a rising internal threat is spreading across democracies worldwide: populism (Tabellini 2019, Guriev and Papaioannou 2022). One way to conceptualise populism is as a ‘thin-centered’ ideology that views society as fundamentally divided into two homogeneous, opposing groups: ‘the people’ against ‘the elite’. […]
The economics of space is no longer the province of science fiction. However, the economics profession has paid little attention to space exploration as a dynamic market. This column argues that economists should turn their attention to the stars, harnessing opportunities that beckon beyond Earth’s limits. A variety of concepts from standard economics can be […]