The Amazon, with its immense ecological and cultural wealth, faces pressing challenges in balancing biome protection and infrastructure development. This vast region remains one of the poorest in South America, with limited access to economic opportunities, essential services, and poor living standards. Boosting the bioeconomy, which involves economic activities that protect forests, can improve livelihoods […]
Transport means much more than simply getting from point A to B. When planned and operated properly, transport systems can be an essential driver of economic growth, poverty alleviation, equality and access to critical services like healthcare and education. For example, if gender parity in the transport sector were achieved, 20+ million women could join the workforce […]
As they grow, countries need better transportation, energy, and communications networks. But how should a country go about prioritizing these investments? Are there synergies from coordinating them? Should they be done simultaneously or sequentially? Two recent World Bank studies focusing on Brazil, a country that has rolled out massive infrastructure investments over the past decades […]