To achieve the internationally agreed temperature targets, increasingly stringent climate policies are of utmost importance. This column argues that theory-based scenarios, termed ‘economic pathways’, are a powerful tool to induce efficient policies. Calibrating a dynamic economic climate model to calculate different economic pathways reveals that deep decarbonisation only moderately delays economic development, while population growth […]
Vaccine hesitancy continues to pose a challenge not only for low- and middle-income countries, but also for many high-income countries, many of which are confronted with significant within-country variation in vaccine take-up. This column examines the potential role of historical factors and provides evidence that, in the context of Germany, county-level vaccination rates today can […]
Energy prices have played an important role in the recent surge in inflation. This column analyses the relationship between energy price shocks and inflation expectations of both households and firms. It finds that households extrapolate their personal experience of energy price increases to their view of the overall economy. Meanwhile, firms exhibit significant pass-through to […]